
I've decided to collect some pictures (and, more recently, also videos -to watch a video, click on the associated picture-) that people have taken over the years. There is also a partially complete playlist of some videos of my talks, maintained by the Ciencias TV crew.

Talk "Independence proofs, what are they (good for)?",
mathematics department seminar,
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (via Zoom).

Talk "From integral calculus to the mysteries of infinity",
virtual talk
at Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Peru.

Interview with Mario Rangel, "el preguntón".

Talk (0:00 through approx. 28:00)
"Ends of nonmetrizable manifolds: a generalized bagpipe theorem",
Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference 2021 (via Zoom).

Talk "Uncountable restrictions/extensions of Hindman's theorem",
Mexican Mathematical Society National Virtual Conference

Talk "Using ultrafilters to prove Ramsey-type theorems",
Student seminar,
Mathematics Department at Cinvestav, Mexico City.
(Photo and Video by Oscar Camacho Franco)

Talk "Ramsey-type theorems in additive combinatorics",
Seminario Súmate,
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City.
(Video by the Ciencias TV crew)

Talk "Ramsey theory and infinitary additive combinatorics",
Colloquium, Department of Mathematics
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (Cinvestav), Mexico City.
(Photo and Video by Oscar Camacho Franco)

There are two different videos (one of them taken by Rodrigo Hernández-Gutiérrez, the other by the Ciencias TV crew) of my talk on "A generalization of the bagpipe theorem", X Jornadas de Topología, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Durango. There seems to be no reasonable picture associated to this talk.

Talk "Additive combinatorics in the infinite realm",
Jornada de Aritmética, Criptografía, Lógica y Geometría,
Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City.
(Photo and Video by the Ciencias TV crew)

Talk "Finiteness classes arising from Ramsey-theoretic statements in set theory without choice",
Research Seminar,
Kurt Gödel Research Center, University of Vienna.
(Video: Daniel Soukup)

Talk "Strong failures of higher analogs of Hindman's theorem",
Workshop on Set Theory and its Applications in Topology, Casa Matemática Oaxaca.
(Photo: Rodrigo Hernández-Gutiérrez, video: Miguel Altamirano, CMO-BIRS staff)

Talk "Some results concerning strongly summable ultrafilters on abelian groups",
48th. Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, Richmond VA, U.S.
(Photo: Rodrigo Hernández-Gutiérrez)

Defending my master's thesis,
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico.
(Photo: Rocio Rivera)

Course "On the undecidability of certain Algebra problem",
FCFM-BUAP, Puebla, Mexico.
(Photo: Rocio Rivera)

Talk "On collectionwise Hausdorff spaces";
Seventh "Jornadas de Topología", UNAM, Mexico.
(Photo: Rocio Rivera)

Talk "Applications of Bernoulli numbers to Number Theory",
2nd. Latin American Mathematics Students Congress; San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
(Photo: Eliseo Sarmiento)