This semester (February-June 2024) I am teaching two undergraduate classes (Mathematical Logic, Set Theory) and one graduate course (Topics in Algebra). Registered students will receive all relevant information through Microsoft Teams.
Below is some information about my teaching experience, with much more detail than in the corresponding section of my C.V. You can also have a look at my teaching statement .
Lógica Matemática (Mathematical Logic), Winter and Fall 2023.
Álgebra Lineal (Linear Algebra), Winter 2023.
Temas Selectos de Álgebra (Topics in Algebra, which was essentially a graduate-level advanced course in Set Theory), Fall 2022.
Temas Selectos de Análisis Real y Funcional (Topics in Analysis), Fall 2023.
Análisis Real (Real Analysis, graduate level), Winter 2022 and 2023.
Teoría de Conjuntos (Set Theory), Winter 2022.
Teoría de Gráficas (Graph Theory), Fall 2021 and Fall 2022.
Análisis Matemático II (Measure Theory), Fall 2021.
Análisis Matemático I (Topology on Metric Spaces), Winter 2021.
Teoría de la Medida en Finanzas (Measure Theory and Finance), Fall 2023.
Introducción al Cálculo (Proofs-Based Differential and Integral Calculus), Fall 2020.
Discrete Mathematics, two sections on each of the semesters Fall 2020 and Winter 2021.
Advanced Algebra Course: Introduction to Consistency and Independence Proofs, winter 2020 (syllabus (in Spanish)).
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
MA 1019 (Linear Algebra), Winter and Fall of both 2019 and 2020.
MA 2001 (Differential Equations), Summer 2019.
MA 1017 (Calculus 2), Winter 2019.
University of Michigan
Math 682 (Set Theory), Fall 2017.
Math 582 (Introduction to Set Theory), Winters of 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Math 217 (Linear Algebra) on each of Winter and Fall 2016, Winter and Fall 2017, Winter and Spring 2018.
Math 481 (Introduction to Mathematical Logic), Fall 2016.
Math 115 (Calculus I) , two sections in Fall 2015.
York University
Course Director for MATH 1670 --
Fundamentals of Mathematics , Fall 2014.
Teaching Assistant for miscellaneous courses. [click to expand/hide]
Summer 2014 (May-August 2014):
Winter 2014 (January-April 2014):
Fall-Winter 2013-2014 (September 2013-April 2014):
Fall 2013 (September-December 2013):
Summer-1 2013 (May-June 2013):
Winter 2013 (January-April 2013):
Summer 2012 (May-August 2012):
Winter 2012 (enero-abril 2012):
Fall-Winter 2011-2012 (September 2011-April 2012):
Fall 2011 (September-December 2011):
Summer 2011 (May-August 2011):
Winter 2011 (January-April 2011):
Fall 2010 (September-December 2010):
Previous experience
Numerous private tutor gigs, since 2005 through 2013.
Minicourse (6 hrs.) On the undecidability of certain Algebra problem , FCFM-BUAP , December 16-18, 2012.
Trainer assistant , 21st. Mexico City Mathematics Olympiad, ESFM-IPN , 2007.