Publications and Preprints

This is my publication list, including preprints (click on the titles to toggle downloading options). To look at other kinds of manuscripts of mine, click on Manuscripts. You can also check out my profiles at zbMATH and Google Scholar.

Submitted preprints

Published and accepted research papers

  1. Hindman's Theorem in the hierarchy of Choice Principles, Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 no. 1 (2024), 2350002.
  2. (With Lorenzo Carlucci): The adjacent Hindman's theorem for uncountable groups, Colloquium Mathematicum 173 no. 2 (2023), 273-284.
  3. Using ultrafilters to prove Ramsey-type theorems, American Mathematical Monthly 129 no. 2 (2022), 116-131.
  4. (With Nicholas G. Vlamis, and an appendix with Mathieu Baillif): Ends of non-metrizable manifolds: a generalized bagpipe theorem, Topology and its Applications 310 (2022), 108017.
  5. (With Gerardo Acosta): Equicontinuous mappings on finite trees, Fundamenta Mathematicae 254 no. 2 (2021), 215-240.
  6. (With Joshua Brot and Mengyang Cao): Finiteness classes arising from Ramsey-theoretic statements in set theory without choice, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 172 no. 6 (2021), 102961.
  7. (with Sung Hyup Lee): Hindman-like theorems with uncountably many colours and finite monochromatic sets. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148 no. 7 (2020), 3099-3112.
  8. Stable ordered union ultrafilters and $\mathrm{cov}(\mathcal{M})<\mathfrak c$. Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 no. 3 (2019), 1176-1193.
  9. (With Elizabeth Lauri): A characterization of the Boolean Prime Ideal theorem in terms of forcing notions. Fundamenta Mathematicae 245 no. 1 (2019), 25-38.
  10. (With Michael Hrušák): A parametrized diamond principle and union ultrafilters. Colloquium Mathematicum 153 no. 2 (2018), 261-271.
  11. Hindman's Theorem is only a countable phenomenon. Order, 35 (2018), 83-91.
  12. (With Assaf Rinot): Strong failures of higher analogs of Hindman's theorem. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 no. 12 (2017), 8939-8966.
  13. (With Michael Hrušák): Gruff ultrafilters. Topology and its Applications 210 (2016), 355-365; as well as a corrigendum to this paper (Topol. Appl. 231 (2017), 430-431).
  14. (With Martino Lupini): Strongly productive ultrafilters on semigroups. Semigroup Forum 92 (2016), 242-257.
  15. Strongly Summable Ultrafilters, Union Ultrafilters, and the Trivial Sums Property. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 68 (2016), 44-66.
  16. Every strongly summable ultrafilter on $\bigoplus\mathbb Z_2$ is sparse, New York Journal of Mathematics 19 (2013), 117-129.


  1. Strongly Summable Ultrafilters: Some properties and Generalizations, PhD Thesis, York University, Canada, 2014.
  2. Algunas Aplicaciones de los Métodos de la Teoría de Conjuntos a Problemas de Álgebra, Master's Thesis, Joint Graduate Program in Mathematical Sciences UNAM-UMSNH, Mexico, 2010.
  3. Números de Bernoulli: Un estudio sobre su importancia, consecuencias y algunas aplicaciones en la Teoría de Números, B.A. in Physics and Mathematics Thesis, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico, 2008.

Expository articles

Reviews for Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet) or Zentralblatt

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